We would like to inform interested users that credit rating services based on regular annual financial statements for the year 2022 will be available starting Monday, June 19, 2023.
At the same time, as of June 19, the scoring based on data from financial statements for the period 2017 to 2021 will no longer be valid, as new credit ratings or scoring have been determined for companies for the period 2018 to 2022.
The records of all issued scorings, as well as the date of expiration, are published on the Agency’s website under the Financial Statements section, in the Issued Scorings Register.
Credit reports are prepared for companies, institutions, and entrepreneurs and contain data from regular annual financial statements for the last three reporting years, specifically for the period 2020 to 2022. Scoring or credit ratings are prepared for companies based on data from regular annual financial statements for the last five years, at least three, and are issued in the form of a scoring report containing data for the period 2018 to 2022.
We suggest that users, before ordering a report or scoring, check via the Search of Published Financial Statements compiled as of December 31, 2021, and later (in the Published Financial Statements section) whether the financial statement for the year 2022 has been published as complete and accurate. If it has not been published, we recommend checking whether the statement has been submitted to the Agency and the status of its processing via the List of Received Requests. If there are any deficiencies in the submitted report, the obligor must address them according to the processing procedure to have the report publicly published and included in credit reports and scoring.
We would like to remind you that credit rating services are available electronically, either by ordering through the credit report ordering application or the scoring ordering application, or by submitting a request in writing (in person, by mail, or fax).
Detailed information regarding the provision of services from the Financial Statements Registry can be found on the Agency’s website under the Financial Statements section, within the APR Credit Rating and eData from Financial Statements upon user request.