Analysis of the COVID-19 impact & liquidity planning
Structured review of direct and indirect effects on companies, customers and suppliers
Determination of the resulting liquidity requirements in Serbia or plausibility check of liquidity calculations
Development of various scenarios as the basis for operational and financial plans and measures
Identification and selection of the available financing options
Analysis and examination of the applicability of possible support measures (e.g. Corona Aid Fund guarantees or grants)
Forecasts and budgeting
Identification of alternative sources of finance
Evaluation of internal financing options (e.g. working capital management, short-time work , tax deferrals)
Assistance with the application for COVID-19 instruments
Creation and review of applications at funding agencies, banks and other institutions
Assistance in overcoming financial difficulties
Preparation or review of necessary documentation
Support with detailed documentation of the COVID-19 effects on the financial and earnings situation (e.g. decline in sales)
Documentation of the planning premises (liquidity and earnings planning)
Determination or examination of the coverable fixed costs
Creation of survival forecast to reduce liability risks for management
Ongoing support during implementation
Ongoing support in discussions with banks, funding agencies and other settlement agencies
Support in fulfilling reporting obligations regarding banks or funding agencies
Ongoing monitoring and support in the implementation of further restructuring measures
Incorporation of the measures into an integrated calculation plan
Creation of deviation analysis (monthly target-actual reporting)